Dan McCarthy is an award-winning leadership coach, speaker, and writer. For more than 40 years, Vantage has been assessing and advising teams and individual leaders, as well as providing talent management programs for companies around the world. Here are 10. The blog also features guest posts from some of the sector's best and offers a ton of additional free resources for nonprofit marketers. With a national reach, a deep understanding of the sector, and the expertise to offer a variety of hiring solutions, PNP helps organizations advance diversity, sustainability, and capacity building. Hopefully, we'll list some more in future installments of this post. It is challenging in this time of crisis for the world, our nation and for the non-profit [...], COVID-19 has given rise to uncertainty for all businesses, including the non-profits that often operate on the financial edge in the best of times. We believe every business deserves to have great leaders, and we want to contribute to the development of strong, effective leaders in your organization. New Zealand-based leadership expert Suzi McAlpine runs in-house leadership workshops for organizations and offers one-on-one senior executive coaching sessions.
And, find out how our customized Leadership Experiences can inspire your team and help you overcome challenges specific to your business. Let us know on Facebook or Twitter. (Note: Many of our regular NonProfit PRO bloggers also run their own standalone blogs—which you should most definitely check out for additional updates—but we didn't include them on this list, since you're reading them regularly, anyway. Read on. So, without further ado, here are our picks for the top leadership blogs (and a few bonus podcasts) for 2020. We hope you enjoyed our picks for the top 10 leadership blogs for 2020. I find myself gobsmacked by the number of folks who write me each week and the volume of new subscribers who join my tribe. If executive issues are your thing, Joan Garry Consulting should be in your regular blog rotation. Be sure to refer to his recent post, “Common nonprofit terms and concepts and what they actually mean.” Otherwise you won’t realize that “a dynamic work environment” is often code for “a very disorganized group”. Bringing on an intern in the midst of this pandemic may seem like a time-intensive endeavor in an already resource-strained environment, but the benefits to nonprofits of hosting interns remain. Services A very literal characteristic of a leader is being the one who goes first. Updated once a week, the blog addresses topics ranging from big issues to movie titles reimagined for nonprofits. 118: The Growing Charitable Movement That’s Raised a Billion Dollars (with Sara Lomelin), Ep 117: The Hunt for Great Board Members (with Robert Acton and Lalita Badinehal), Strategic Planning Sucks the Life Out of Nonprofits, 5 Ways to Make Sure Your Best Employees Never Want to Leave, 5 Steps the Best Boards Are Taking Right Now. You’ll be hard pressed to find a more forward-thinking blogger than Seth Godin. Creating a Strategic Vision for Your Nonprofit Organization. Covey’s fundamental beliefs about leadership is that progress happens “at the speed of trust” — that organizational work gets done with and through people, and [...], Reprinted with permission from Boardsource. Nonprofit Hub.
His blog features insightful, clearly written articles with actionable advice for leaders on topics including confidence, leading through uncertainty, and taking risks. They have done it before, they know the [...], The baby-boomer generation grew up in a period of social and political change, and many of them channeled their passions into mission-driven careers in the non-profit sector. Check this out: A Conversation with Senior HR Leaders About Leadership Potential, Also, check out their recent interview with our own Dick Richardson about his new book, Apollo Leadership Lessons: Powerful Business Insights for Executives. Sara Leonard, MBA, CFRE, is a solutions-oriented advancement professional with more than 25 years of experience in nonprofit development and administration.Her company, the Sara Leonard Group, provides consulting, coaching and training to fundraisers, CEOs and nonprofit board members.Prior to launching her consultancy in 2015, Sara worked in the nonprofit sector raising funds … If that's not enough to hook you, how about this: No other blog on this list offers the same combination of humor, behind-the-scenes expertise and fuzzy baby animal pictures you'll get at Nonprofit With Balls. Your email address will not be published. We invite you to explore new and legacy stories about CVNL programs, events, and activities as well as what CVNL and our partners are doing to advance the nonprofit sector. Ones you're constantly recommending to your peers. Visit the program to learn more about how Tulane prepares social work professionals to bring positive … Blog . His posts are very brief: concise and salient. A CFRE and best-selling author with decades of fundraising experience under his belt, Michael Rosen is president of consulting firm ML Innovations by day and the one-man army behind Michael Rosen Says by night. Great advice for leaders, those who aspire to lead, and those in the trenches.
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