53-2020 - Zoning By-Law Amendment - JK Developments, By-Law No. That South Huron Council receive communication items not otherwise dealt with. Seebach & Company LLP - Review of 2019 Audited Financial Statements. That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #53-2020, being a by-law to amend By-Law # 69-2018 of the Municipality of South Huron for lands known as 927 & 928, Part Lots 926 & 929, Plan 376, Exeter Ward, Municipality of South Huron. The airfield host a company that modifies private jets. Municipality of South Huron Mayor, Deputy Mayor *The current composition of 16 council members was amended to 15 in County By-law 46-2012, which took effect following the 2014 election. That South Huron Council adopts the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of September 8, 2020, as printed and circulated. Browser Compatibility Notification. That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #33-2020, being a by-law to amend By-Law #69-2018, being the Zoning By-Law for the Municipality of South Huron for lands known as Plan 376 Pt Lots 317 to 320 RP 22R151 Part 2, Exeter Ward, Municipality of South Huron. That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #55-2020, being a by-law to confirm matters addressed at the September 21, 2020 Public and Regular Council meeting. That South Huron Council receive communication items not otherwise dealt with. South Huron Council is an elected body consisting of seven representatives. By-Law No. That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #42-2020, being a by-law to name members to the Exeter Business Association Board of Management and set 2020 tax rates for properties in the Exeter Business Improvement Area. 54-2020 - OPA By-Law Amendment - JK Developments. That South Huron Council adopts the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, June 01, 2020, as printed and circulated. Policing in South Huron served via Ontario Provincial Police Exeter Detachment.

15.3. South Huron offers plenty of ways to enjoy natural beauty and popular attractions. The population of the Municipality of South Huron did not exceed 25,000 according to the last enumeration. The council of the Municipality has entered into a contract with the Ontario Provincial Police to provide policing services. West Coast Tailgate Drive-In Concert - Troy Hogg, Gables Holdings Inc. 2. Whereas the Municipality of South Huron Council passed Resolution 142-2020 at the April 6, 2020 Council Meeting; and. 33-2020 - Zoning By-Law Amendment - Eisenschink Z03-2020, By-Law No. 1.

Documents are available in alternate formats upon request. 1. The community is home to Centralia/James T. Field Memorial Aerodrome, a public airport and former British Commonwealth Air Training Plan base. That South Huron Council receive the report from M. Goss, re: Tender Results – Opening and Closing of Grave Sites and; That South Huron Council awards a three year contract for opening and closing of grave sites to Hoffmans Patient Transfer LTD at the revised rates as identified in this report. Remote Electronic Meeting South Huron Council Chambers, Live Video Feed - https://www.facebook.com/SouthHuron/, Request for an Exotic Animal Bylaw Exemption .pdf, Phase I ESA Report 70114 Grand Bend Line, Grand Bend .pdf, Sections from Wild Neighbours recommendations.pdf, Reviews of other successfully operating facilities.pdf, Post-Meeting Minutes - Regular Council Meeting_Jun01_2020 - English.pdf, Dashwood Community Advisory Meeting Postponed.pdf, Exeter Rodeo Committee Meeting Minutes - June 02, 2020 - Draft.pdf, 2020-06-15 (SCADA Integration Procurement Authorization).pdf, Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy 2020.pdf, CL18-2020 - Appoint Court of Revision - McDougall Municipal Drain 2020.pdf, CL19-2020 - Memo - Enbridge Gas Inc - Commenting on Notice of Application.pdf, CL20-2020 - AGCO Temporary Extension or Addition of Licensed Patio.pdf, Project Work Plan - Community Recovery Task Force - FINAL DRAFT.pdf, Business and Economic Recovery Task Force.pdf, Business and Economic Recovery Summary Final.pdf, Copy of Project Work Plan - Economic Recovery Task Force - FINAL DRAFT.pdf, 4124_B_3_CW_Action_February_18_CountyRoadAssumptionBAS_Report_2020.pdf, By-law 32-2001 Boundary Agreement with Lucan Biddulph.pdf, FIN.20.12 Capital Progress Report - May 2020.pdf, FIN.20.12 Appendix A - 2020 Capital Project Status report as of May 2020.pdf, CL21-2020 - Taylor Subdivision Amendment.pdf, 2020.06.05 - JT Request to remove final grading certificate - Occupancy permit.pdf, South Huron Service Re-Design Strategy.pdf, 234-2020-2264 MG Broadband MP Letter ENG.pdf, M-2020-6431 - Joint Letter to Heads of Council.pdf, Revenue Distribution Processes Change - Contracts Direct.pdf, Lambton Shores - Notice of Public Meeting.pdf, Planner's Comments re Notice of Public Meeting.pdf, RE_ Eddington's of Exeter Re_ Council meeting.pdf, M_ McCarter - 66 unit reisidential and commercial building.pdf, R. Burton, Town of Oakville - email regarding AGCO.pdf, Town of Oakville - Letter to Attorney-General Downey .pdf, May 25, 2020 - Oakville Town Council Motion.pdf, Oakville Beaver Article - Council support for patio expansion.pdf, Fort Erie-Essential Workers Day-June9.pdf, Township of Puslinch Resolution 2020-104.pdf, 33-2020 - Zoning By-Law Amendment - Culbert for Eisenschink Z03-2020.pdf, 34-2020 Zoning By-Law Amendment - Cabral and Baskin Z05-2020.pdf, 2020.06.09 - Memo re Kirkton Landfill.pdf, 35-2020 - Authorization to Register Certificate of Requirement - Kirkton Landfill.pdf, 37-2020 - Amendment Stoneyridge Agreement (Occupancy).pdf, 37-2020 - Schedule A Amendment Stoneyridge Agreement (Occupancy).pdf, 38-2020 - Confirming By-Law - June 15, 2020.pdf, Amendments to the Agenda, as Distributed and Approved by Council, Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof, Service Line Warranty Program - Service Line Warranties of Canada, Request for Exotic Animal Bylaw Exemption - Brandon Vaderwel & Destiny Duncan, Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, June 01, 2020, Dashwood Community Advisory Committee - Meeting Status Update, South Huron Police Services Board - March 10, 2020 Minutes, Exeter Rodeo Committee - June 02, 2020 draft Minutes, Operations, Infrastructure and Development, D. Giberson, Director of Infrastructure & Development - SCADA Integration Procurement Authorization, M. Goss, Public Works Manager - Tennis Courts, R. Anstett, Human Resources Coordinator - Annual Policy Review: Violence and Harassment in the Workplace Policy and The Corporate Health and Safety Policy, R. Msuya-Collison, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk - Appoint Court of Revision - McDougall Municipal Drain 2020, R. Msuya-Collison, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk - Plain Language Summary - Enbridge Gas Inc. - Notice and Application, R. Msuya-Collison, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk - Temporary Extension of Outdoor Patio Spaces, D. Best, Chief Administrative Officer/Deputy Clerk - Community Recovery Task Force Workplan, D. Best, Chief Administrative Officer/Deputy Clerk - Business and Economic Recovery Task Force, D. Best, Chief Administrative Officer/Deputy Clerk - Whalen Line Update, D. Best, Chief Administrative Office/Deputy Clerk - Centralia Hall, S. Becker, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer - Capital Progress Report – May 2020, R. Msuya-Collison, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk - Amendment to Taylor Subdivision - Owner's Final Grading Certificate - Occupancy Permit, D. Best, Chief Administrative Officer/Deputy Clerk - South Huron Service Re-Design Strategy, Mayor & Councillor Comments and Announcements, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Honourable Steve Clark - Reliable Broadband Access, Ministry of the Attorney General - Patio Extension Regulatory Change, Ontario Provincial Police  -  Recent Protest Activity, Ontario Provincial Police - Change in Security Check and Revenue Distribution Processes, Huron Manufacturing Association - Request for Input, Lambton Shores - Notice of Public Meeting, Eddington's of Exeter - Request - Temporary Patio Extension, Crabby Joe's -  Request - Temporary Patio Extension and Event Fencing, M. McCarter - 66 Unit Residential and Commercial Building, D. Van Amerongen - Thank you - Liberation of the Netherlands, Town of Oakville - Resolution - AGCO and Patio Expansion for Restaurants, City of Brantford - Essentials Workers Day, Town of Fort Erie - Resolution - Essential Workers Day, Tay Township - Resolution - Great Lakes Water Level, Town of Puslinch - Resolution - Support for the Conservation Authorities, Township of Puslinch - Resolution - Farm Property Class Tax Rate Programme, C. Rudderham - Concerned About the Silence, By-Law No.

The following meeting will be held electronically using the Zoom Video Conferencing Application. Municipality of South Huron, Exeter, Ontario. That the memo of D. Best, Chief Administrative Officer dated June 15, 2020 regarding the Community Recovery Task force be received; and, That Council receives and adopts the Summary Report and Workplan as presented; and, That Council acknowledges that the Workplan is a green document; and, That Staff will provide a regular update to Council including any amendments that may occur as a result of fluid environment related to COVID 19; and, That the contribution of the Task Force members is formally recognized by Council, That the memo of D. Best, Chief Administrative Officer dated June 15, 2020 regarding the business and Economic Recovery Task force be received; and, That Staff will provide a regular update to Council including any amendments that may occur as a result of the fluid environment related to COVID 19; and. That South Huron Council hereby adjourns at ______ p.m., to meet again on July 13, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. or at the Call of the Chair. Welcome to the official Facebook page for the Municipality of South Huron, Ontario, Canada. Addition of Staff Reports Items:  8.3.2, 8.4.9, 8.4.10 and 8.4.11Addition of Correspondence Item: 12.17Addition of By-Law Item: 15.5: That South Huron Council approves the Agenda as amended. Residents will be able to watch a livestream of the meeting by going to the South Huron Agendas and Minutes webpage at https://www.southhuron.ca/en/government/agendas-and-minutes.aspx. 1.7K likes. Documents are available in alternate formats upon request. That South Huron Council hereby adjourns at ______ p.m., to meet again on October 05, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. or at the Call of the Chair. That Council delete certain clauses in Section 6.4 (c) and delete clause 8.11 (e) that requires an Owner’s Final Grading Certificate filed with the Municipal Chief Building Official prior to occupancy. For information in alternative formats or assistance accessing information, please contact the Municipal Office at 519-235-0310. 1. That South Huron Council set a Committee of the Whole in October to review options with Staff to examine in greater detail the rationale for need; location and framework moving forward on the Dashwood Fire Hall and a fire agreement framework that will be consistent with all neighbouring municipalities. The composition of the board is currently determined as three. Residents will be able to watch a livestream of the meeting by going to the South Huron Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SouthHuron/. That Council receives the report of Jeremy Becker, Emergency Services Manager/Fire Chief regarding a follow-up to Resolution #22-2020 (Dashwood Firehall and Fire Agreements); and. 1. That South Huron Council receives the report from S. Becker, Director of Financial Services re: 2020 Capital Progress Report – May 2020 for information. As a result, parts of the site may not function properly for you. The following meeting will be held electronically using the Zoom Video Conferencing Application. The airport has no schedule airline service (closest is London International Airport), serving only private general aviation aircraft. For information on South Huron's Zoning By-law, visit the Zoning By-law page. 15.3 . That South Huron Council receive the report from D. Giberson, Director of Infrastructure & Development RE: SCADA integration Procurement Authorization; and, That South Huron Council approve the single source purchasing procurement method for SCADA integration; and. Whereas the Resolution authorized the Treasurer to waive penalty charges, as specified in section 4 of By-Law# 6-2020, on outstanding property tax accounts, to June 5th, 2020; and waive penalty charges, as specified in section 3.4 of By-Law #66-2019, on outstanding utility accounts to June 5th, 2020.

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