He is technically the oldest of all the known experiments, having been the first experiment ever created. The community where everyone is a cousin. He looked similar to Stitch, but larger, about the size of 627, and perhaps a little heavier in build. ", "Nooo," Hamsterviel corrected angrily, climbing back into his chair, "you will be getting started on a new 623 right away… after you have that one destroyed. Another thing they had spent money on was educational books and videos for Stitch. By: avatarjk137. After his creation, the press posted stuff about him in the papers, and it is said that the two scientists opened up a joke shop together and began working on Jumba's many other experiments. "It is nice to see you are showing of personal interest. "You're welcome Jumba," Lilo said absentmindedly. "I am entirely sorry, Dr. Hamsterviel was almost too scared to be indignant. "I am having no idea what happened. It was black, and was printed in red numbers, '000'. It is also revealed that Shrink was abandoned at a young age and has a very willful and childlike behavior following an incident of being locked in a safe when he was younger. ", "I cannot destroy it," Jumba said, locking it in a small safe. Can Lilo and Stitch defeat the selfstyled ultimate villain, a foe beyond the scope of all they have fought before? "I do NOT serve you two. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. He turned back to the new experiment.

"And thank you, little girl, for helping me with the cleaning this spaceship out. Experiment 000 was originally a purple version of Stitch. ", "It better be," Hamsterviel said irritably. Shrink, seeing that Stitch is drowning, zaps him with his pink ray, causing Stitch to grow larger. "You said the 600 series would be extremely powerful and destructive, but many of them are either not powerful enough, or just stupid in power level.

Designed to drive the neighbors crazy with questions like "Why" and "How come?"

"Us evil geniuses are such security freaks," he chuckled, but stopped dead when he saw the experiment pod inside. So she was in a normal first grade class, now, except that she was still taking 2nd-grade math. I am not being good cleaner, and I still need it to be passing Pleakley's standards.".

They were bright red, and the red seemed to radiate outward across his form. This one is totally insane!". He manages to shrink Jumba, Stitch, and Tigerlily. Unfortunately, nothing stays hidden forever, and he has been released.

Nobody will ever having known it existed." Hamsterviel." Destroy it, I don't want somebody to unknowingly open that pod 100 years from now!

"What's this, Jumba?". An ego cookie for anybody who figures out why I didn't just use 628, who is a blank slate character that anybody can fill in for an OC. with Hämsterviel's enlarged bottom in Jumba's face. "Already durable experiments are completely indestructible in small pod form.

Shrink made an appearance in Season 2 of the Stitch! "I am ready to be finishing with Experiment 623 today, and I plan for it to be very evil indeed. "Thanks for cleaning the spaceship, Jumba," Pleakley called into the spaceship. "I will renumber it," Jumba said. "Now is good time for you to be putting on goggles.
Jumba: avatarjk137 is not owning Lilo and Stitch. He jumped from the platform, and rolled into a ball. This fic is mostly action/adventure, but expect to also see some humor and angst. ", "That is why I came," Hamsterviel explained shrilly, "you four-eyed, bumbling, language-butchering ninny!

your own Pins on Pinterest Heh, he must be quite an evil genius to create such a sinister OC! A white and grey-green mouse-like experiment with large black eyes, huge ears and a round-tipped tail.

Before he could scramble to his feet, 623 landed on his chest, pinning him down. I have lost nearly 25 years of my life, my hair, my marriage, an apartment, and three spaceships creating these experiments. "Tell me, 623, what can you do to serve us?". What in the blitz did you do? "R-r-rat-boy?" His form resembles a cross between some sort of lizard, and koala (and robot). "I create… and I destroy. Thank you for creating me. He leaped out of the wreckage and began smashing tubes, beakers, and various other items, causing a fire to start.

Fascinating how they relate one season to tidiness more than the others. I am not about to be letting it all go to waste!" This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. He tried 3 codes, and on the third, the lock popped open. Discover (and save!) Lilo had taken an IQ test that showed her to be more than a bit above normal human intelligence (to nobody's surprise but Myrtle's), and Lilo had asked not be placed in the gifted program. And when you get the chance, throw it into a black hole or something.". Unfortunately, nothing stays hidden forever, and he has been released. Jumba held the safe up to one of his eyes, and the retinal lock popped open. We need something capable of defeating entire ARMIES single-handedly! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

I will get started on 624 right away. ", "Is my pleasure, one-eyed friend," Jumba lied.

May 16, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by leonardo borba. Stitch was now almost as fluent in English as Turan, and knew Judo, Tai Kwan Do, Jujutsu, and Northern Tai Chi, and took kickboxing classes with Kixx. Experiment 000 was originally a purple version of Stitch. Lilo came out of her thoughts when she found a small safe under the copilot's chair. I am the greatest evil yet to walk this plane. Your review has been posted. ", "Then have it removed from the databanks so nobody who reads your notes will find it! I am confident he is to be greatest success yet! His form resembles a cross between some sort of lizard, and koala (and robot). He is designed to be the ultimate killing monster and appears as a main antagonist in Stitch! ", "Yes, but a couple of space trooper squads could probably bring them down. I serve only evil itself.

"However, many of them, like 601 and 619 for example, are quite powerful. As for what I do…" his mouth moved for the first time, opening in a long, feral laugh.

He is Jumba's first experiment created with Hämsterviel and to be assigned a number. "Whatever it was, I was keeping it very secure." anime where he was sent by Hämsterviel to mess with Jumba and shrink Stitch. He is only owning of Experiment 000, and the plot residing in this fic.

He is capable of levitation and/or flight. 000, the Experiment that Jumba hid. ", "Am honestly forgetting why I would create that one," Jumba replied. Jumba: avatarjk137 is not owning Lilo and Stitch. What good is an experiment that destroys the universe if we ARE IN THE UNIVERSE!?
Kixx had borrowed a Judo video to study for himself, and Lilo had had the idea to pass around the 'English as a second language' video to all the experiments who weren't already fluent. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Rated for violence, swearing. Then he said to Stitch, more quietly, "If I am one cleaning it, there is no risking of him finding some leftover evil genius creation and throwing it away.". ", Jumba smiled and laughed evilly. After Stitch is reverted to his original programming by Retro, he goes on a rampage and ends up falling into a swimming pool along with Shrink's inactive pod. Jumba picked up the pod, and stared at it. When he was created, Jumba and/or Hämsterviel presumably christened him Shrink.

Looks like you did this one right for a change." He slid on his own 4 goggles, and Hamsterviel complied with minimal muttering. Jumba yelled, stuttering with panic. Chapter 1. Then his eyes opened. His claws, also red, slid out of his paws. Cyber, A.K.A. Shrink reappeared in a later episode along with Squeak, Clip, Nosox, and Retro. He finished the last of his equations, and walked over to a large switch. Experiment 001, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba and a character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. Sinister-looking, swirling markings spread down his arms, legs, and back. One investment was a real samurai sword, which most members of the ohana found interesting (Pleakley found the fact that a whole people of Earth had made a weapon into an art 'fascinating', Jumba was amazed Earthlings had taken one primitive science so far, Lilo thought it a great zombie-fighting weapon, and Stitch enjoyed using it, and mastering it.). "Jumba you fat idiot! It is far too evil! He is designed to shrink and/or enlarge objects.

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