Josie doesn't know what she's talking about. Josie tells her that she isn't and wonders why she's in her uncle's prison world.

happy halloween from mr. and mrs. darling! What happened to Wendy? One that knows exactly how to get her back into the spotlight. Ultimately they just want to return home and Josie has a plan. Visit to search obituaries for your loved ones. The dream ends. Given his control, he could perform a shift into a "wolfman" appearance, rather than a wolf. tags to add later? FIFI: because were a goddamn team now. Nope, Kai dedicated his song to Alaric. As night falls, Jade, along with the other, join Josie in the woods. Kai temporarily shuts her in a blood bag storage room but she frees herself. He was too busy protecting his daughters and that gives her an idea. In You Can't Save Them All, Diego and Wendy hunt for Alaric beneath the Salvatore Boarding House. Use your voice. i know i said legacies needs to stop adding new characters to their repertoire, but…. When she became a vampire, she eventually came to the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted and met Wendy, a witch, and Diego, a werewolf. season 2 episode 13: “You Can’t Save Them All”, fifi: sorry i was tired. Together, they work together to figure everything out, along with caring for their three adorable children. In the process of becoming a full length story. It's me. Jade and her friends snuck off school grounds to meet with Mystic Falls high school students. (We accept donations year round, so if you haven't donated yet, there's still time to add your support!). Josie doesn't even know how that singer got that bottle in the first place. "I think you know immediately. She’s just completely forgotten about. Jade's death in the simulation expels her from the device and she wakes in the real world. Alaric follows her instructions and stops the bleeding with a Laughlin clamp. Have adventures. Wait. Jade, Wendy and what’s his face didn’t deserves to be sent to a prison world, I do believe the other two should have came clean though, I know other witches can’t be compelled or anything but couldn’t they’ve tried a truth spell or something. He has all the pieces to get them out of the prison world and she wants to make sure that he doesn't leave them behind. Jade tells Alaric that it's her. Josie's being blackmailed, but she already knew that. " Dr. Saltzman. Josie attempts to flee, but Kai uses a spell to completely immobilize her where she stood. All the others, except for Sebastian, leave the Prison World. What are you doing, Josie? Or: Jade comes back 10 years later to find that everything has changed—case in point: Josie Saltzman, all grown up. Luckily, she's now attending The Salvatore school, a special school made to give teen moms a second chance at earning their diploma. Lizzie was supposed to be rushed to the hospital to get some press for her movie and she didn't use enough poison to kill anyone. Read his biography and the story of his legacy – from founding the first Wendy’s in Ohio in 1969 to establishing the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. Alaric fights back with a sword but Jade's faster, stronger, and stops the blade with her bare hands. She was recently arrested for domestic violence/assault, which is serious business and puts a lot things in jeopardy. fifi: look, i’m sorry about losing track of time.

Pulled out of her thoughts, Jade focused on Wendy who had obviously said something to her that she hadn’t heard, so she admitted, “Sorry, I wasn’t, I was thinking.”. She explains that once she begins to siphon, behind the spires, doors will open. Josie is okay, for now. Something's missing from her memory. She later thanked Josie for turning her humanity on, stating that she's happy to be herself again.

He looms over Alaric, ready to attack, but Sebastian appears and snaps his neck from behind.
That's why he started Wendy's. Read his biography and the story of his legacy – from founding the first Wendy’s in Ohio in 1969 to establishing the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. Diego's had enough talk and moves to kill him, but Jade stops him. Shipping kids to the prison world is a big no-no, but what do you expect to do when a “kid” is off the rails? The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community.

Jade is staying at the school because she needs to handle how to be a ripper and Diego was left in the prison world before it fell apart soooo what happened to Wendy. After Diego attacked the boy, Jade learned that she was a ripper and shut off her humanity. so i think those 2 things will put off julie and have the character gotten rid of or recasted. Wendy never meant to kill those kids but accidents happen. This ironically led to his defeat, when Sebastian snuck up on him and killed him. She pulls a note from her back pocket. Alaric agrees to the game and takes off. For 12 years, he actively campaigned to make sure kids in foster care who needed a family found permanent, loving homes. She doesn't know how but Josie turned her humanity back on. However, he's ran-through with the sword. I didn't like her, nor Diego . “I’ll be damned. i cant think of anything now, lizzie being a whole asshole but also like. Josie enacts her plan to escape. Once there, she killed her fellow companions multiple times for amusement. In retaliation, Diego became increasingly angry and tore off the student's arm, thus beginning a fight between the students. Josie casts a barrier spell around them, keeping them locked together. Intersting. Emma welcomes her as she takes her seat and reassures them all that it is just a simulation. I mean their kids they’re clearly at the school to learn how to control themselves. She removes the chains from him and tell him to come with her. I hate being locked up. Alaric should not be running this school alone. What dicks. I'm hoping we see more of Wendy next season as I really like the character + and I am a fan of Ronni Hawk. *What Penelope actually did: Started a prank war, drank her own weight in alcohol, fell in love with two of the most beautiful girls she'd ever met. What could happen in this universe? In Kai Parker Screwed Us, Jade finds a new person at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted.

Reblog. Especially a kid you’re supposed to teach. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, With the support of the community, we've added 2,660 new members this drive. Alaric will run and hide and she will seek. "I will never forgive you" he declares to Alaric. Jade is a vampire and former student of the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted who made her debut in the twelfth episode of Legacies. She was raised to be proud of her Latina roots while embracing her future. When transformed in his "wolfman" form, he has dark brown fur; it is assumed the same applies to his full wolf form, though this has not been seen. Jade’s still a killer; innocent blood stains her monstrous hands no matter how many times she scrubs them clean—the same goes for Wendy, and Diego, too. It was done by cyanide poisoning, having bribed the coroner, too. She worked for many years at Canon in Irvine, Calif.

Press J to jump to the feed. Jade is staying at the school because she needs to handle how to be a ripper and Diego was left in the prison world before it fell apart soooo what happened to Wendy. Little is known about Diego's early history, what is known however, is how he came to be trapped in the 2018 Prison World. He was also a role model for accepting nothing less than the highest quality in everything. Why do I get the feeling these kids didn’t do it? She would often be trapped in detention as a punishment, which led to her befriending other delinquents. 297 notes. Alaric tells Jade to take a sit, as he does, and Josie performs another spell to restore their memories. I didn't care for her so I'm not mad that she's gone. Jade is a vampire and former student of the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted who made her debut in the twelfth episode of Legacies. Dave’s boyhood dream came true in 1969 when he opened the first Wendy’s Old-Fashioned Hamburgers restaurant in Columbus, Ohio. A continuation of what happened in 2x13. Jade smiles and tells her that she's been thinking about her, too and they embrace in a kiss. Dave Thomas was a man of few words, but they always had an impact on the people around him. Later, he and Wendy talk with Jade, who's had her humanity restored. Lizzie's bleeding out from her injuries. and you can at least help me paint some more if you’re just gonna laze around. How dare you trick Lizzie. So you're just gonna have to do exactly what I tell you. " The party was a ruse a — a "freak" party. Jade tells her that all that matters is that she's dead and putting her behind bars is the only way she'll ever pry her out of her sister's claws. Accompanying Jade to a 'party', Diego is pushed and attacked and killed a human. I’m all for Lizzie finding happiness, but Sebastian is a lying little bitch. So you're just gonna have to do exactly what I tell you. Alaric's being guarded by Wendy and Diego. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (12), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms (1), Malachai "Kai" Parker & Josie Saltzman (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted (Vampire Diaries). She apologies to Emma, on account of weird dreams. black as the sweetness (amber and rosewater in your veins), The Handon part is almost entirely in the past though it’s still prominent. He can track Alaric by his scent. Josie tells her that she's been thinking about her. She knows she can help her, but she can't be near the blood, so he'll have to do exactly what she tells him to do. But I can't be near the blood. Alaric dismisses the thought. With the trap exposed, Alaric rounds the corner with a sword in hand. With Wendy and Diego gone, Jade reveals what actually happened. Even tho I know she not an crucial character to the show it would be nice to see what happened to her. It is a spin-off of The Originals and features characters from both that series and its predecessor, The Vampire Diaries. exhausted!!!!!!!! Josie stays quiet, never lets anyone know the depth of her feelings for Hope.

To compromise, she'll even give him a five-minute head start. No hate to jade. When the meeting turned bloody, Jade lost control and accidentally murdered her friend, Inez. She doesn't know what it is, but found it with no memory of it. Jade possesses all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire. Alaric thanks her and Josie wakes up. When the full moon's coming, something just happens to me.

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