You'll find solid, Scriptural answers to life's toughest questions and learn to celebrate the goodness of your God like never before. The Focus on the Family program offers real-life, Bible-based insights for everyday families. Aimee credits her faith in God and the love of her support system as to what has gotten her through the healing process. Please enable JavaScript to access required functionality on this website.
On holidays, I don’t need to worry if we’re going to see his family or mine. It declares the love of God for mankind. Joyce Meyer Ministries has a God-ordained mandate to impact the world.
Focus on the Family's Radio Theatre with Focus on the Family Focus on the Family's Radio Theatre has been entertaining and enriching the lives of both young and old for decades. Tune-in live each day to New Life Live!, the nationally-syndicated, interactive talk radio program which deals with mental health, emotional, relational and spiritual issues from a biblical perspective. John MacArthur, pastor-teacher, has been offering his practical, verse-by-verse Bible . Love him or hate him, Steve always draws a crowd. He is the author of many books including, Total Heart Health, The 10 Commandments of Parenting, and The 10 Commandments of Marriage. Contact: Focus on the Family Colorado Springs, CO 80995 719 531 5181
Focal Point encourages our listeners to apply what they've heard to their lives by supplying them with application questions and resources to help equip them.
That’s when GMF’s radio ministry was developed entitled, Ministry in the Marketplace. | Sitemap.
programs and from her book, The Truth About Beauty. Dr. Juli Slattery brings a mom's heart coupled with a psychologist's insights every day. Hosted by Steve Arterburn. Insight for Living is the Bible-teaching ministry of author and pastor Charles R. Swindoll. Welcome to KPDQ 93.9FM - Portland, OR | 93.9 KPDQ - Portland, OR. I can't hear all of the channels on my radio.
His task: chronicling the life of a carpenter's son from Nazareth named Jesus. At Basic Gospel, we are dedicated to proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ and the profound simplicity of His love and grace. Écoutez en direct, voyez playlist et information de la station en ligne., Welcome to Know The Truth! Hello and welcome to FIRST PERSON with Wayne Shepherd, a weekly radio/podcast interview program that introduces you to people whose lives have been redeemed by Jesus Christ and called to serve Him in a unique way. Dudley Rutherford is the author of Walls Fall Down and the senior pastor of Shepherd Church, a 10,000-member congregation that has been called “the most racially diverse church in Los Angeles” by the city’s mayor. Ever wish parenting came with a do-over button? We want to help your family thrive!
Under his dynamic leadership, the ministry of Amazing Facts has grown exponentially reaching more people in more ways than ever before. Joe DiMatteo is a registered pharmacists, board-certified clinical nutritionist, and homeopath. Dr. Juli Slattery brings a mom's heart coupled with a psychologist's insights every day. Radio Theatre isn't just storytelling. PowerPoint is the radio, television and internet broadcast ministry featuring powerful biblical teaching by Dr. Jack Graham. Live stream plus station schedule and song playlist.
Download Anthony's free book now, at
Your spouse’s wins are your wins, so there is no room for envy in marriage, only love. The Bible Answerman Hank Hanegraaff and his guests equip you to defend your faith against errors and false teachers, keeping you strong in your walk with the Lord.
Ken Klaus and Dr. Dale Meyer is Lutheran Hour Ministries’ flagship Christian outreach radio program with over 1 million listeners and airing on more than 1,700 stations across North America, as well as on the American Forces Network., Basic Gospel with hosts Bob Christopher, Bob Davis & Richard Peifer: The Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple, powerful, and life changing. Plugged In is a Focus on the Family publication designed to shine a light on the world of popular entertainment while giving families the essential tools they need to understand, navigate and …
Since its inception in 2010, Intend Ministries has developed tools to take the message of God’s Word to where people live around the corner or across the globe. He also appears on the Israeli Television program Pdut L'amo where he teaches each week from the Bible (This program is in Hebrew). Join host Todd Nettleton each week as we share the testimonies of brothers and sisters suffering for their faith in Christ. In doing business as missions, the urgency of showing God’s love in the workplace became evident. Focal Point is committed to delivering relevant and accurate biblical exposition to the widest possible audience. Focus on the Family provides biblically-based advice for marriage and parenting, heart touching stories and help for families. Focus on the Family magazine is a marriage and parenting magazine that will help your family thrive in Christ. Most importantly, they want to revisit the moment in time when these special people made the decision to make a difference—their personal “Turning Point”. Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) is a trusted expert in global media that equips a vibrant volunteer base to passionately proclaim the Gospel to over 51 million people worldwide each week. Nobody is immune to pain, but anyone can overcome pain with the right information and support. AM800 KPDQ - KPDQ, True Talk, AM 800, Portland, OR. The Lutheran Hour® provides the comfort and reassurance that generations of loyal listeners turn to each and every week. Some of the guest’s names you may recognize, and some you may not. What You Need to Be a Happier Mom - 5/11/2019, How Abortion Impacts Men- The Sheep-Like Qualities of a Disciple - 5/4/2019, Training Sons to be Confident, Capable Men - 4/27/2019, Understanding the Importance of Easter in New Ways - 4/20/2019, A Conversation with Abortion Survivors - 4/13/2019, Focus on the Family Magazine Subscription, Your Spouse’s Wins Are Your Wins - Crosswalk Couples Devotional - October 12. In this bimonthly publication, you'll find age-specific parenting advice, inspiring profiles, marriage tips, faith-based family activities, and more. Above all Rick and Melody hope to arm you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision on how to better your lifestyle. Above all we hope to provide our listeners with important lifesaving informationabout Health, Fitness, and Longevity in an entertaining format. . If you need to hear the hopeful truth that God isn't mad at you, Key Life is for you. In this book for all parents, but especially for those with teens in the home, Jonathan shares 7 "do-overs" from his own parenting mishaps. God wants to make His love a reality in our lives. The show provides compelling stories of people, from celebrities to everyday people, who’ve found relief from pain. Jim Daly will urge you to pray about the confirmation process for the Supreme Court vacancy as he speaks with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. However, all of them will demonstrate how God works in people’s lives for His purposes and their greatest good. Produced by Focus on the Family.
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