From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. As such, one is free to choose how to use this slot. So the next morning, Eirika and her growing army arrived at an abandoned fortress to retrieve the bracelet until a girl named Neimi came along looking for Colm at the exact same place. Eirika and Ephraim If she has A support with Seth, she will marry him instead. Naturally, as many high SP skills as possible are desired. Further, she is force-deployed on her route, freeing her from competition for a team slot. Mage Eirika is a powerful Red Tome Cavalry unit, though this is mainly attributed to the underrepresentation of this unit type combination in the entire Heroes roster. Attack Opening buffs the ally on her team with the highest Atk, giving them an additional +6 Atk. Rally def/res+ gives her and the target ally +6 to both defense and resistance upon use.
You can opt for +spd with this build as well, to make FB and Repel less reliant on Sieglinde buffs.
As such, her Asset is free to choose between Attack and Speed to either help with dealing damage or help with securing and denying follow-up attacks. Reposition is a solid unit positioning skill to move her allies out of danger. Note: Stats may vary due to her using random growths when leveled up. Hone Spd is a solid choice to maintain, but buffing it into either Hone Speed 4, will give her ally, and thus her self, a +7 Spd boost.
Her kindness has sometimes put her in danger. She has very high Speed, Skill, and Luck, but lackluster HP, Defense, and Strength. She carried a narrow sword made from the fang of a dragon, a gift from the dragonkin; with it she drove away the invaders. Her overall damage when used as the first attacker reaches solid numbers and can clean up a decent portion of the cast in a single turn. Latest Content. Shocked by the news, Eirika vows to find her brother and keep him safe.
In this build Eirika's Seal will be highly versatile allowing you to choose whatever seal you want to have on her dependent on the role you want Eirika to play on your team. Her high Speed allows her to easily double attack almost every enemy in the game with ease, and her high Skill and use of Swords gives her almost perfect accuracy, making her a good opponent at engaging the faster enemies in the game.
Null Follow-Up is a strong B slot option, allowing Eirika to more easily fight enemies that may rely on guaranteed follow-ups or follow-up negation, such as armored foes.
After triumphing against the mercenary army, they discover Councilman Klimt, the man who Pablo was hunting and trying to assassinate with his mercenaries. However, Eirika and the others needed to help a young boy named Ross and his father, Garcia who was once a feared general when their village was ransacked by a band of rogue bandits. Having been rather sheltered until she began her training under Ephraim's watch two or three years ago before the events of the Sacred Stones, Eirika didin't have any real experience in the battlefield. Artwork of Eirika from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. In their A support Ephraim is crowned as king of Renais and Eirika remains with him as his most loyal supporter.
As an armored unit, Winter Eirika is weak to any weapon effective against them.
Distant Counter will be a necessity due to the prevalence of ranged foes found commonly on defense teams. When you receive a Resplendent Attire (skin), you can change the corresponding Hero to a Resplendent Hero. After securing their homeland, Ephraim and Eirika receive Renais' legendary weapons, Sieglinde and Siegmund, and their Sacred Stone which changed their armors into upgraded versions.
At this point, the player can choose either Eirika's route or Ephraim's route, two different possible ways that the story can go. Finally, Odd Defense Wave increases the Def of herself and her adjacent allies at the start of odd numbered turns by 6. Defense Tactic also works as the boost to her bulk allows her to better take hits. Key stats worth increasing through nature if possible. Sadly, her Atk is low at 26 neutral without hear weapon, which leaves her unable to unleash particularly strong results without some aid from her allies. Joyous Lantern grants a visible +5 Def/Res buff to her ally with the highest Atk. This leads them into a trap filled with Gorgons and their hatching eggs that dot the mountains. At the time, her twin brother Ephraim has been fighting in Grado and is missing. She is a quick thinker and level headed, being very educated with knowledgement on geography and history, also having developed diplomatic skills. In addition, if the number of enemies within two spaces of her (not including the target) exceed the number of allies (not including Legendary Eirika), she gains +3 Def/Res and accelerates her special cooldown per attack. Spurn will help to keep Eirika safe and also deal extra damage with her Special. As Seth and Eirika are about to cross the border between Renais and Frelia, they are attacked by a small troop of Grado soldiers led by O'Neill.
For Eirika's Special I would recommend running Luna/Moonbow if you are wanting to run an offensive variant of this build so that you can easily deal with high defense units or Sol/Nootime to provide extra survivability. Instead, her old strength is funneled into her solid base 36 Atk and both of her defensive stats sit at 30 def and 34 Res.
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