That’s an excuse to be lazy and abdicate your responsibilities to do for self in reaching the American dream like everyone else. haha PUHLEAZE! This is the time to be concerned about helping everyone. From condoms to defibrillators, the best stuff you can buy with leftover FSA dollars By Sarah Kliff Updated Dec 20, 2016, 12:37pm EST Share this story Latent or expressed. The hatred coexistent with racism, homobigotry and the hatred of women are not part of ‘human nature”. ), “You had me until that comment. Unfortunately we are and will never be above racism and hatred. If you were running a business and in one stores condoms being out was fine, no theft, but in another they were constantly taken what would you do? Read a book. Please stop talking out of your ass. He’s having events anyway. Sign up for the As for the Holocaust, it was short and it was deadly. well, I just have to point them to the tribes and reservations of my people and show them a different example of hundreds of years of racism. this day and age everyone including ALL races live in low income area because of how much you make! Classist pricks! And there are still people alive today who can describe the exact horror that went on and why it should never happen again. Both groups need to consider that they have a shared perspective. Here, here! The funny thing is the same person that may say something like Michael will be the same person holding a sign for equality! It’s nice to have some real stats on the issue, and I just want you to know that there are (necessarily privileged) white gay men out there who are appalled at the commentary here as much as you are. Pretentious privilleged people that do not think about how their comments really affect the masses. The above comments confirm the ongoing issue that we have within the “GAY” community. @afrolito: You see racist bigots who think that white’s do no wrong don’t see that. GODDAMN IT, people, every single fucking day Queerty posts their daily soft-core porn pictorial, their daily Obama bashing, and their daily race-baiting article…it’s like clockwork. Yes, you can probably get a fake one much cheaper.

Sluttin' it up is much more affordable that way. A co-worker here at Vox told me about a friend who used leftover FSA dollars to buy defibrillators as Christmas gifts for his parents. As such, I can look at slavery, and think it was horrible, but then when someone, who I don’t even know if they’re family was affected or not (not all blacks in America descend from slaves), demanding reparations . I’m ignoring all the race wank in the rest of these comments because it’s ridiculous, but I just wanted to say that I agree with The Milkman’s assessment entirely. I love how white people feel they can tell people of color to shut the fuck up about racism, because they voted for the safe, non threatening biracial black man raised by white relatives. GAY RIGHTS are valid, real and very much needed. Hell, the CVS across from my suburban office even locks-up the razor-blade refills. I only eat it on Sundays, Something to think about... Its the price I'm willing to pay to be child/disease free. I know of many black people that would just as soon shoot a white person than look at them. CVS has a right to lock up items like infant formula, condoms, expensive hair products, perfume, and other easily stolen items. Second: you can use FSA dollars to buy unlimited amounts of over-the-counter medications, but you will need a doctor's prescription to do so. We need better sex education, destigmatization of condoms and, if the government is serious about halting the AIDS epidemic, easily accessible and FREE condoms available everywhere, especially in areas with high AIDS rates.

Like I said before there are places to get free condoms in inner city area. Your purchase: Stuffed animals.

(Shutterstock), Your purchase: A defibrillator. COVID-19: Good News / Good Developments Only In this Thread. I hate Wal-Mart because of their anti-gay stance on a lot of issues, but I don’t advocate making them become the next big gay superstore. This fucking site is cracking me up right now…and yet here I am, drawn into this web of bullshit as well…have fun getting all pissed at each other, and hurling insults and accusations …but just know that we’re all being played. I would call that racism too. It was racism taken to the upmost extremes. It also bugs me when drug stores have condoms locked up since they are a high theft item.

@afrolito: Rather you like to admit it or not, the majority of inner city neighborhoods are low income and unfortunately the majority of the low income people in inner city neighborhoods are minorities. If your goal is to prevent pregnancy as well, you can also use a few more FSA dollars to buy some ibuprofen to take before getting an IUD inserted (or, if you're a guy, buy some ibuprofen for your partner). to hell with cvs they suck anyways. I really don’t give a damn about slavery because I never owned slaves.

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